Have you ever thought of DIYing your own personal Paint by Numbers in the comfort of your home? Well good news for you, we just know how to help you do that. Just follow the steps below to start creating your very own DIY Paint by Numbers!

1.Select the photo that you want to turn into Paint by Numbers

The very first step to this DIY is to select the image that you want to turn into a Paint by Numbers. There are a few things to make sure of before you go to the next step:

a. Make sure your photo is High Quality

You need to make sure that you photo is high quality, so the program that you are about to use in the next step can easily detect the depth of the image, and create a beautiful Paint by Numbers template.

b. Focus on the subject

If there is a subject in your photo, it is better to crop it to focus on the subject so you can have a more detailed template. It’s certainly worth a try for a less complicated image.

c. Limit the colors

Try to not have too much colors in the image. When there is too much colors, it can cause the template to have tiny little details that is too complex, small or hard to paint.  

2. Create your Paint by Numbers Template for FREE

PBNify is a free site that converts your images to Paint by Numbers. 

a. Upload your image to PBNify

b. Choose the colors by clicking on the image that you have uploaded

c. Click PBNify button after you are done choosing your colors

d. Now you just need to save the Outline, Filled, and Color Palette

e. Print your outline template on painting papers, and ready to move on to the next step!

3. Prepare your painting tools

a. Paintbrushes

b. Acrylic Paints

c. A cup of water to clean the brushes

d. Paper towels

4. Enjoy your very own DIY Paint by Numbers!

Now that all is done, you just need to enjoy your very own DIY Paint by Numbers from home! We hope you enjoy the process of painting, and check out our Paint by Numbers collection here.

Check out our guide on how you can create your own Coloring by Numbers and Diamond Painting from home too! Also don’t miss out on our weekly email of free Coloring by Numbers, subscribe to our newsletter here.


Craft-Ease Custom Paint by Numbers

Don’t have the time to do your very own DIY? Head on to our Custom Paint by Numbers page and let us do all the work! You just need to upload your preferred image, choose the canvas size that you would like, and then we will deliver it to your home.

If this is your first time trying out Paint by Numbers, check out our Paint by Numbers guide. We have listed out tips and tricks that might be useful for you when you paint!